Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 12th Gig

Hey Everyone,
Patty Onions reporting on the underworld, katacombe, foufounes electriques, Playhouse Cabaret Gig, yesterday night.

First question you might ask: what the Hell happened? Here's the answer:

So on Thursday night, Kevin Fernandes (who booked us for the Café l'Inco show and yesterday night's show) was talking with the guy that books people for underworld (where we were supposed to play). The underworld guy says ''Alright, dude, i'll see you on monday'', to which Kevin responds ''AHAHA, NON! see you on Saturday!''. The guy: '' AHAHA! NON! you don't have anything on saturday. we've got a contract with some Asian people.''

Conclusion: Underworld double-booked the place. So even though our gig was the one announced on the  Underworld's website, and even though everyone at Underworld thought we were playing, we got bumped because the booking guy had a contract with the Asian people. SOOOO PANIC.

All day friday and Saturday, Kevin Fernandes tried to find another venue: He called Katacombe first. not available. Foufounes? Available, but i don't think they could find any staff for the sound so that went down the drain. Finally Playhouse Cabaret: Available AND staff available.
So the Venue was chosen at .... 3 pm on Saturday, so less then 6 hours before the show. you can imagine how everyone (Kevin, the band members, some friends that knew about the situation, etc.) were really stressed about this.

Even though the time/place change affected a good number of people, A LOT still came to assist to an amazing evening of music. For us on stage, it was awesome! the crowd at least gave the impression of having a good time, which is gratifying for us ! Crowd surf, (very) special happy birthday wishes to Steve, good music cheap-ish beer, the night was the perfect recipe for AWESOME.

#1 The guy from Playhouse said pretty much this : whenever you wanna book with us, the place is yours if you can bring as much people as you did tonight. pretty awesome!!
#2 Some important music person-producer-guy was there and loved us. more on this soon when we meet with him!!!

Anyways just to say that last night was awesome, again thanks to you guys who showed up! for those who didn't, no worries. We have a gig on friday the 25th of march, at Clydes in Pointe-Claire Village in the west-island (familiar place!). Also fun to know, we are going to be recording this show live, so we're gonna play ALL OUR SONGS (and we'll have more time on stage then at Café l'Inco, for exemple)!!! REALLY EXCITED ABOUT THAT!!! go see the event's page . We'll be playing with Static Kings: their first concert it'll be very interesting to discorver what awesomeness they have to offer!! BE THERE!!!!!

Anyways, i think that's it.

going back the study the theory of the hermeneutic circle from Gadamer. someone wants in??

-Patty Onions out-

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