Last weekend, we had done something probably only hardcore Americans have ever done before.....
For starters, it's SPRING BREAK!!! Which means we are drunk all the time (not really, but really), and we had a Deep Fryday Sunday band practice, which was surprisingly productive.
You guys might all be asking yourselves: "Well The Koalas, what are a Deep Fryday Sunday band practice?" Well, to answer your question as best as possible without confusing anybody, we all went to the grocery store and bought a ton of everything: no-name brand oreos, avocado, broccoli, Reese's p-b cups, onions (not Pat... though we were debating deep frying Pat at some point), and finally all-dressed Belle Pro hot dogs. We then made an Alexander Keith's beer batter and covered all of the above then placed everything violently in the deep fryer. Surprisingly the hot dogs were the best part of that meal (if you would call it that).
Soon after we all felt like crap and were sweating profusely though we weren't moving much.
Much to our surprise, grease makes the creative juices flow and we put the final touches on the 2 songs mentioned in the previous blog. Chris's recently purchased cow bell provided a sensual touch as well. With only a couple more weeks left before our next show at Underworld, we are scurrying to perfect these 2 tunes as much as possible so we can blow your minds.
We all hope that your spring breaks are as eventful as ours,
- Chris (and Patty Onions in spirit)
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