Monday, November 29, 2010

Nearing the End of Another Semester

Hello, internet!! This is Daniel, the guy who plays the guitar, updating y'all.

Well, I'm sure all of you out there are excited for the end of the semester or, if you're done with school, the oncoming doom of the Christmas holidays. Actually, I only found out today that it's the last week of classes, I guess I really pay attention in school.

Anyway, last week Pete started a job contract with a marketing group. This is super awesome and we're very happy for Pete. However, due to some family matters (remember that show? yeah, me neither) on Chris and my side, we couldn't get together to practice but know that new song is coming around and might be done by the end of the year.

As for me, I had a pretty boring week at school. On Tuesday, I went to CMC Electronics as part of a class field trip (yes, we have those in university, apparently) and it was pretty cool to see engineers work in industry...I guess I should mention I'm in Mech Eng...anyway, yeah, that was early in the morning, so I hated everyone. I also received an exam mark back from Dynamics of Systems (remember that course? Basically find mathematical models of mechanical, electrical and/or hydraulic systems and finding the output equation using Laplace Transforms and then adjusting inputs and variables accordingly? Transfer Functions and Block Diagrams?'s easier than it sounds) and I got a 96%!! Which (considering I'm a solid B student) I was very pleased with. Also, my geography class is stupid.


Anyway, I think that's it for me. I have to get back to either watching Dexter or playing some Donkey Kong Country 2.

Keep it real!!


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