Wednesday, April 4, 2012

From the Soul of Montreal to the Voice of Israel

Hey gang!

Just wanted to give a quick update and congrats to our friend, Kathleen Reiter, for winning “The Voice” Israel!! We had the pleasure of performing with her and her band, Soul of Sam, at the HEC show back in September! We want to wish the best to Kathleen and hope she becomes happy and successful!



Monday, March 12, 2012

Cancer is an Asshole

Sup guidos,

Just wanted to jam you guys up with some info. So, as some of you may and/or may not know, we recently played a show a couple of weeks ago to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The show was organized by two lovely ladies, Mel and Liane, so that they could run at an event down in Vegas. We played with our favourite groupies, Line Spectra (who were fantastic) at our new best spot, Crobar.

We played mostly covers (some Queens of the Stone Age, Jimmy Eat World, Blur, Chili Peppers, Andrew W.K.) and some of our own material, including our new song, Pariah. Let me tell you, everyone PARTIED FUCKING HARD!! It was a blast, people won raffle prizes and we ended up raising over $800 for the LLS. Big thanks to everyone who showed and hates cancer!

We recently started working on a new song that should be done soon. It’s a little different than what we usually write but it’s sweet babies.

Finally, The Walking Dead is finally getting super amazing again and I’m in love…but not as much as I’m in love with Emmy Rossum.


Monday, February 20, 2012



So it’s been a while, but, amidst the haze of partying and gambling, we’ve been up to a lot of good shit. 

The plan till summer was to settle in, no really do any shows, and come up with a solid setlist of new material. We’re sick of playing a lot of the old stuff, you’re all sick of hearing it, let’s move on with our lives. It’s been pretty productive but we got distracted by a few fundraiser-party shows.

Just a few weeks ago we played at Crobar for the sexy nurses of McGill fundraiser thing of cool! The place wasn't filling up as quickly as we originally expected, but all of a sudden, herds of people just flooded the place and we got on stage. We had a setlist almost entirely made of covers for optimal singing alongness, and it was an absolute blast. We then stayed there all night drinking while The Mowtown Hookers played their all 80s setlist that they totally rocked the house with. Good. Ass. Times.

So now we’re prepping up for a new Crobar show in two weeks with none other than the lovely ladies of Line Spectra. It's another fundraiser and the money is going straight to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada for research. Prepping up a new solid setlist and gearing up to play our best. Show. Yet. Thats right. We’re mad pumped about this so come out, bring your friends, your brothers, sisters, draw mustaches on your kids and sneak them into the bar, (The Koalas do not promote nor condone underage drinking. Wink.)  cause you don’t wanna miss this. Also it's for a good cause.

Also we've been gambling. Gambling is the best.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Beginings


Just wanted to let you all know that after some discussion, The Koalas and Pat "Patty Onions" Renaud have decided to mutually part ways due to creative differences. The separation was very friendly and everyone is much happier because of it. We are looking forward to the new direction we'll be going in and we wish Pat the best of luck in his future ventures.

Peace out,