Hey everyone!!
Dan, here, updating this long overdue blog. So, as some of you may or may not know, Pete has gone to Mexico or something to cook for some underprivileged mermaids. So, we’ve decided to take a break until he gets back. We have some shows organized for July, one on Saturday, July 30 at Crobar. Don’t worry; we’ll remind y’all when the date gets closer.
The live record is being mixed as we speak and we’ll be going within a week to listen to it before we give the go for the final mastering. We know you’ve been waiting a long time but, trust me, there’s nobody more anxious than we are for this! Until then...
So, since the band is on break, I’ve decided to try to use my time to pursue other music endeavors. Last weekend, I got together with the fine ladies of Line Spectra and a new friend, Chris from Luther Higgs. The girls called me up and wanted to know if I was willing to play keys for this little side project they were thinking of putting into motion, a Bon Jovi cover band. Being a recent graduate and, obviously, unemployed, I had nothing better to do with my time, so I agreed. To make a long story short, it was all kinds of awesome! I’m not a hug Bon Jovi fan but I can say that I had a blast with these maniacs.
My second adventure came just this Thursday. Lana, an old high school friend of mine, needed a guitarist for the WISTA rendition of the musical, Hairspray. Seeing this as an opportunity to learn some different styles of music and jam with new people, I said yes. I just came back from a rehearsal and I had a lot of fun. I definitely have quite a bit of work to do (I got the music yesterday and, sadly, that wasn’t enough time to learn 25 songs) if I want to be ready but I think it’s going to be really cool. I’ll be performing this Friday and twice on Saturday at LPHS in Pointe-Claire, if anyone is interested.
As I come closer to the end of this blog, I come closer to the end of my beer and I realize that I’m drinking on a Sunday night…and that’s sad.
Peace out,